Access for All at the Metropolis Center
The Access for All Association through the Soravia Group participated for the second consecutive year at the Metropolis Center to conduct information and fund-gathering campaigns for the integration of persons with disabilities in the labor market. As such, the association, starting 27 and 28 February and continuing to 04 and 05 March 2014, promoted at the Metropolis Center products hand made by persons with disabilities for the campaign (greeting cards with quilling, personalized candles in the form of a train, pyramid, vase, rose, etc.).
The purpose of the Access for All association is the hiring of people with any kind of disability in the labor force. As such, through recommendations to employers as well as through motivational meetings or through career counseling organized especially for disadvantaged groups, powerful points of connection can be created between applicants and employers, especially since the purpose of these actions is to identify the abilities of each person in part to help them use those abilities in corresponding tasks.
The association thanks their sponsor Soravia Group for all of their involvement.
Persons with disabilities as well as those with social disadvantages who wish a job may contact Access for All Association at: or at telephone number: 031 101 01 08