Are you a talkative person? 6 professions you should practice

Maybe you are very communicative with your friends, you discuss different subjects from different domains, you often describe to your listener details of certain activities you have attended, you find yourself talking in the library, in the bathroom, maybe talking by yourself. The idea is that this situation does not necessarily have to be a disadvantage (although, sometimes doesn’t hurt to be reserved in expressions) but rather a landmark, a sign, an indicator you have to follow to find out which are your options.
So, if you communicate hyper actively, take into consideration the following professional alternatives:
1. Event organizer:
If you still describe the smallest details of a situation and you don’t get bored observing, relating them etc., than, why shouldn’t you work in the organizing events domain? (seminars, workshops, parties, business events, sports games, celebrations, birthdays and so on.) Where you have to be able to manage information on catering, to select/propose/organize some games, professional training, to consult contractual details with certain suppliers, to summarize prices, locations, products, services and (maybe the most interested for you) to communicate about all of these by e-mail, phone, face to face, social media tools (blogs for example).
2. Sales Representative
You are enthusiastic about cars, trips, food, finances and so on. Have you thought how you could turn your passions into a considerable source of income?
If you love talking, than talk sometimes meaningly. Thus, through vocational training, training at the workplace or placement you can enrich your technical knowledge about cars, tourism etc., and can communicate technic too using arguments and prompt descriptions of the products and/or of the services that you may promote.
Remember that if you like to talk it doesn’t mean that you do it well or correctly. So, (regardless in which domain you want to work) focus to improve your fluency in expression, correct use (the grammar) of the language you are expressing yourself and clarity of idea, phrases, stories that you are giving life through words.
3. Call Center operator/Call Center coordinator (Inbound or Outbound department):
If some individuals are terrified by the idea of talking by phone for 8 hours a day or even more, it might attract you (forget others’ negative opinion regarding call centers) because you could choose a prestigious career which shouldn’t stuck you at the level of a Call center operator but on the contrary could promote you in a higher position. You can become a Team Coordinator, a Call Center Recruitment Manager, Assistent/Consultant/Responsible for Communication and Marketing, you could become member of the team of sales agents Business to Business (B2B) which suppose visits at the premises of various companies which already collaborate or are desired to collaborate in the future with your company in order to extend/to work out certain commercial contracts.
4. Politician (I’m kidding). We move on to item 5.
5. Trainer:
Be careful. Like at item 2 (Responsible for sales) this profession of Vocational Trainer is not only about charisma, the fact that you laugh out loud after every sentence that you are saying and trying to be funny. The sense of humour is extremely important but unprofessional and without very good knowledge of the product or service representing the theme of the training session you are presenting , it does not help a “trainer” but on the contrary the trainer will be labelled by colleagues, participants, etc. as one among hundreds of thousands of trainers who do not know what to do in their professional life and choose their job to talk trying to … well, trying to … find out why they try.
Therefore, to be a trainer requires preparation, practice and it is indicated to get specialized in one or two domains but not more in order to develop yourself harmoniously and completely in something specific and not superficially and incompletely in something general.
Two examples of pair-qualifications: Trainer for Microsoft Excel and for Communication and Marketing or Personnel Recruitment and European Funds.
6. Guide (Cultural, Touristic etc.):
You can communicate with people from different regions of the same country or out of other countries and can develop, through this method, your adaptability to social and cultural habits of individuals who come from different regions, other that you are familiar.
Preferably master English language as it is the main foreign language and will help you to interact with people in the above mentioned paragraph.
Are there other jobs for me? Certainly. Try to think and later on to search what domains could you choose based on what you think that you are doing well. Consequently the reality hits you and you will notice that you have to improve certain things but at least you will find out what are your chances to obtain the desired skills for your favourite domains.
Silviu Botezatu – Staffing Manager, People Solutions / HRS Outsourcing