Entrepreneurship program
The “The Entrepreneurship program”, exclusively dedicated to women segment, was co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, “Invest in people”, priority axis 6 “Promoting social inclusion”, Major Field of Intervention 6.3 “Promoting equal opportunity on the labour market”. It took place on a period of 32 months.
Through its goals and activities, this project met the nees of women who want to start or develop businesses in any field of activity, by easing their access to successful entrepreneurship programs.
The target group was composed of women who wanted to start or develop a business and belong to one of the following three subcategories: students, entrepreneurs (women who either run or own a business) or just women who wished to change their lives by starting a business on their own.
Specific goals:
- Providing equal opportunity on the labour market to women from the North-East, South-Muntenia and Bucharest-Ilfov regions, by improving their competitive spirit and adaptability to the evolution and change of the labour market, following the involvement in training and education programmes in the field of entrepreneurship.
- Develop the entrepreneurial skills of 1,020 women who want to start/develop businesses or activities on their own in the North-East, South-Muntenia and Bucharest-Ilfov regions.
- Provide the transfer of know-how and best practices in the field of entrepreneurship on the inter-regional and transnational levels by creating a lasting partnership and training a group consisting of 12 experts.
- Increasing the inclusion of women on the labour market following campaigns designed to promote and stimulate the entrepreneurship spirit, for their involvement as active entrepreneurs.
- Creating a practical model for the entrepreneurial professional training of women on the inter-regional level, methodology which can be relicated in other regions or fields of activity.

One of the main objectives of our organization is to establish the premises for the development of a society that will not bring into question aspects such as protection measures, support and opportunities generator initiatives as being exceptional situations, but as being part of everyday normality. HRS sustains a structure of social economy that promotes social inclusion of people with disabilities and supports the inclusion of those exposed to social exclusion.