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HR Specialists (HRS), ca beneficiar al finantarii, impreuna cu Asociatia PARTNET – Parteneriat pentru dezvoltare durabila si Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Bacau, au finalizat implementarea...
Comunicat de presa privind finalizarea proiectului INTEGRO
Comunicat de presa privind finalizarea proiectului S.C. MONDO CONSULTING & TRAINING S.R.L., in calitate de beneficiar la finantarii, in parteneriat cu S.C. HR SPECIALISTS...
Încheierea Proiectului NEETs din Regiunea Nord-Est
HR SPECIALISTS (HRS), în calitate de solicitant, în parteneriat cu Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Suceava (ISJ Suceava) și Asociația "Partnet - Parteneriat pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă" (PARTNET),...
Sustin, completez, redirectionez 3.5%
HRS sustine «Asociatia Acces pentru Toti » redirectionand gratuit 3.5% din valoarea impozitului pe venit, platit statului. Cine este Asociatia Acces pentru Toti Infiintata...
Castigatorii PA din cadrul proiectului NEETs II – Faureste-ti viitorul!
HRS, impreuna cu partenerul sau Ridal System, saluta cele 39 de firme nou infiintate, castigatoare ale concursului de planuri de afaceri din cadrul proiectului...
Castiga un plan de afaceri de 25.000 euro! “Faureste-ti Viitorul!”
HRS a demarat Cursul de Competente Antreprenoriale cu primii 25 de cursanti (Grupa 1) in cadrul proiectului NEETs II – Faureste-ti viitorul!, ID 150259 si...
Formular de înscriere proiect “SS Student Startup”
📍Cu totii ne-am gandit macar o data la antreprenoriat. 🗣️🆕 Dorim sa va anuntam ca s-a dat startul inscrierilor la proiectul *SS Student Startup*,...
Inscrieti-va acum in proiectul MOVE UP – Cresterea nivelului de calificare al angajatilor din regiunile Nord-Vest si Centru
HRS ca partener al Asociatiei PartNET – Parteneriat Pentru Dezvoltare Durabila, in calitate de Lider, implementeaza proiectul ” MOVE UP - Cresterea nivelului de calificare...
Angajarea in judetul Constanta a beneficiarilor proiectului ,,Masuri integrate pentru o viata mai buna”
HR Specialists implementeaza etapa a III a a proiectului ,,MASURI INTEGRATE PENTRU O VIATA MAI BUNA’’, cod MySMIS 114654. Proiectul este cofinanțat din Fondul Social...
Proiect Move UP
HRS ca partener al Asociației PartNET – Parteneriat Pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă, în calitate de Lider, implementează proiectul ” MOVE UP - Creșterea nivelului...
RESTART – Reintegrare in Educatie, START pentru cariera!
[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget] Incepand cu data de 5 martie 2021, HR Specialists (HRS) impreuna cu Asociatia Partnet-Parteneriat pentru dezvoltare durabila si Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Suceava, au...
Incepere proiect REEDU – Activarea tinerilor NEETs
HRS impreuna cu Asociatia PARTNET – Parteneriat pentru dezvoltare durabila si Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Bacau a demarat implementarea proiectului „REEDU - Activarea tinerilor NEETs”....
Anunt finalizare proiect BonAntreprenor
HRS impreuna cu partenerii: LACONSEIL SRL si Fundatia Solidaritate si Speranta a incheiat azi 15.02.2021 proiectul BonAntreprenor, ID 104893, cofinantat prin Programul Operational Capital Uman...
Anunt finalizare proiect Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES
HRS impreuna cu partenerii: PowerNet Consulting SRL si Asociation Hispano Rumana Salva a incheiat azi proiectul Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES, ID 107062, cofinantat prin Programul Operational...
HRS portofolio – testing
HRS invites you to consult the list of tests which exists in its portfolio. All tests are licensed by the test provider - Test Central....
Entrepreneurship questionnaire
We invite you to complete this questionnaire in order to obtain a statistic of interest regarding the non-reimbursable funds. Completion time until 30 seconds. Thank...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Ialomita county
Firma Marcu Biomass Energy SRL, din orasul Cazanesti, dezvoltata prin fonduri neranbursabile cu activitate de Realizare si comercializare a brichetelor din deseuri vegetale (paie) si-a...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Arad county
Firma Salon Belleza V&M SRL, din orasul Arad, a deschis salon cu servicii de infrumusetare si relaxare intr-un loc frumos, cu ambient placut si foarte...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Arges county
Firma Tradeco Chiosescu SRL, din orasul Pitesti (orasul lalelelor) dezvoltata in domeniul comercializarii produselor bio si romanesti va invita sa savurati atat produsele traditionale romanesti,...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Arad county
Firma Evenimente Bailo Para Ti SRL dezvoltata in domeniul serviciilor de Organizari evenimente ofera: sonorizare, lumini profesionale, masini de fum greu sau normal, masini cu...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Maramures county
Firma You Talk English SRL dezvoltata in domeniul serviciilor de formare, pentru cursuri de limba engleza, ca un centru educational, in principal activand in randul...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Prahova county
Firma Ella Photofun SRL dezvoltata in domeniul serviciilor de organizari evenimente (in cadrul nuntilor, botezurilor, balurilor, aniversarilor, petrecerilor de firma, lansari de produse / servicii)...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Prahova county
Firma Columna Business SRL dezvoltata in domeniul agroturismului ofera servicii de cazare, trasee turistice in zonele invecinate ale pensiunii, cat si servicii de catering, masaj,...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Baia Mare county
HRS sustine in cadrul proiectului “Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES” 11 planuri de afaceri, finantate din Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020. Va invitam sa cunoasteti una dintre...
HRS incepe un nou proiect denumit yes4IES
[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] yes4IES este un proiect care are ca obiectiv integrarea pe piata fortei de munca a persoanelor din grupuri vulnerabile, prin înfiintarea de noi...
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Galati county
HRS supports the entrepreneurial activity in Galati county, offering support for setting up companies within the project "Build your future!", With the field of activity...
Firme infiintate in cadrul proiectului “Construieste-ti viitorul!”
In cadrul proiectului “Construieste-ti viitorul!”, HRS sustine un numar de 12 afaceri: 1. PRIMEXTEAM ONLINE - Galati: 6201 - Activitati de realizare a soft-ului la...
HRS sustine 11 afaceri in cadrul proiectului Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES
Planurile de afaceri se desfasoara in orasele si regiunile mentionate: EVENIMENTE BAILO PARA TI SRL – Arad – regiunea Nord Est SALON BELLEZA V&M...
Întrevederea BonAntrepenor
În cadrul proiectului BonAntreprenor; cod MySMIS 2014: 104893, HR SPECIALISTS S.R.L., în parteneriat cu Fundația Solidaritate și Speranță şi LACONSEIL S.R.L. au organizat în data...
“Sustin, completez, redirectionez 2%”
HRS sustine «Asociatia Acces pentru Toti » redirectionand gratuit 2% din valoarea impozitului pe venit, platit statului. Cine este Asociatia Acces pentru Toti Infiintata in...
Vacanta de iarna
In perioada 24 decembrie 2018 – 04 ianuarie 2019, HRS va lua vacanta de iarna si va ureaza Sarbatori Fericite alaturi de cei dragi! Revenim...
Anteprenor Diaspora RO-ES
HRS va sprijini romanii din Diaspora sa dezvolte afaceri acasa 28.09.2017 – 27.09.2020 Echipa de implementare: HR SPECIALISTS - liderul proiectului (Romania) Power Net...
Cursuri Gratuite – Finantare Nerambursabila – Diaspora
Este pentru prima data cand orice roman din strainatate poate accesa fonduri europene in Romania! Garantat - toti candidatii beneficiaza de un curs on-line de...
Obtine finantare pentru afacerea ta!
Locuiesti in regiunea NE si vrei sa-ti deschizi o afacere? Vrei sa urmezi un curs certificat ANC de Competențe Antreprenoriale pentru a invata ce presupune...
Deschidere grupa curs Competente Antreprenoriale in Buzau in perioada 05 august-14 august 2018
Trainer: Manuela TRUSCA Ai resedinta/domiciliul in mediul rural/urban in judetul Buzau si intentionezi sa-ti deschizi o afacere nonagricola in mediul urban sau vrei sa urmezi...
Inscriere in cadrul proiectului “Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES”
Proiectul Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES, anunta posibilitatea inscrierii in cadrul proiectului cu beneficii reale pentru romanii care sunt plecati in strainatate, in orice tara, membra sau...
Acord HRS in baza Regulamentului general privind protectia datelor –GDPR
Dragi colaboratori HRS, Intrucat, HRS a respectat dintotdeauna procesarea datelor cu caracter personal, fiind inscrisa in registrul de evidenta a prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal...
Formular inscriere grup tinta Proiect “Construieste-ti viitorul!”
Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta incurajarea antreprenoriatului si a ocuparii pe cont propriu, prin sustinerea infiintarii a 38 de intreprinderi cu profil non-agricol in...
Formular de inscriere in cadrul Proiectului BonAntreprenor N-E ID 104893
HR SPECIALISTS impreuna cu S.C. LACONSEIL S.R.L. Iasi si FUNDATIA SOLIDARITATE SI SPERANTA Iasi ne-am propus ca prin implementarea proiectului BonAntreprenor in cele 6 judete...
Start UP BonAntreprenor
HRS împreună cu partenerii LaConseil S.R.L. Iași și Fundația Solidaritate și Speranța Iași desfasoara proiectul “BonAntreprenor”, ID 104893, în perioada 16.02.2018 – 15.02.2021, care va...
Newsletter 2 proiect Synergy in Learning and Cooperation
In cel de-al 2-lea newsletter al proiectului SiLC dorim sa va informam despre actiunile care au avut loc, progresul pe care l-am realizat si o...
Start UP Construieste-ti viitorul!
HRS in parteneriat cu Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului Feminin si Power Net Consulting SRL lanseaza proiectul „Construieste-ti viitorul!” (POCU/82/3/7/104802), proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European...
Sarbatori fericite! Happy Holidays! Joyeux Fetes! Buon natale!
Va uram ca sarbatorile de iarna sa va aduca bucurie si un An Nou cu multe realizari!
Start Up Antreprenor Diaspora RO-ES
HRS impreuna cu PNC si Asociatia SALVA prin proiectul “Antreprenor Diaspora Ro-Es” proiect care se desfasoara in perioada 28.09.2017 – 27.09.2020 va sprjini romanii care...
Finalizarea proiectului SEED
“Antreprenoriat social într-o dimensiune europeana” 01.09.2015-31.08.2017 HRS are placerea sa va anunte ca proiectul SEED (Social Entrepreuneurship in a European Dimension), azi in data 31.08.2017...
Conferinta finala – proiect ERASMUS
Marti, 06 Iunie, a avut loc intalnirea finala a partenerilor europeni, din cadrul proiectului SEED, Erasmus +. Alaturi de HRS, liderul proiectului, au fost partenerii...
Review al evenimentului din 24 Mai
In data de 24 Mai, in cadrul Hotelului Grand Continental, din Bucuresti, HRS a fost gazda unui seminar cu tematica - economia sociala. Printre persoanele...
Eveniment HRS – 24 Mai 2017
HRS OUTSOURCING are placerea sa va invite la ultimul eveniment, din cadrul proiectului Erasmus - SEED, (Social Entrepreneurship in a European Dimension), in data de...
CURS GRATUIT: Management Resurse Umane si Voluntariat
Cursul se va desfasura la Hotel Siqua din Bucuresti, pe data de 10 Martie, incepand cu ora 10:00 si reuneste manageri/ antreprenori din sfera economiei...
HRS are placerea de a va invita joi, 9 Martie 2017, ora 10:00, in cadrul HOTELULUI SIQUA din Bucuresti, la cursul destinat antreprenorilor. La finalul...
Viziteaza site-ul proiectului SEED!
SEED este un proiect ERASMUS+, al carui principal obiectiv este dezvoltarea competentelor de baza si transversale (precum antreprenoriatul, activitatile independente) intr-o maniera inovatoare: metoda inovatoare...
“Sustin, completez, redirectionez 2%”
HRS sustine «Asociatia Acces pentru Toti » redirectionand gratuit 2% din valoarea impozitului pe venit, platit statului. Cine este Asociatia Acces pentru Toti Infiintata in...
HRS is back to work!
Starting with 4th January, HRS is back on track with new projects! We are ready for a new start!
Sarbatori fericite! Happy Holidays! Joyeux Fetes! Buon natale!
Va uram ca sarbatorile de iarna sa va aduca bucurie si un An Nou cu multe realizari!
Courses about social entrepreneurship
HRS is a member of ERASMUS Project - SEED, wich stands for "Social entrepreneurship in a European dimension" . After more than a year of implementation...
HR Assistant
Daca vrei sa iti dezvolti o cariera in domeniul HR, invata primii pasi in segmentul administrare de personal, alaturi de echipa noastra Noul nostru coleg...
Antreprenoriat social intr-o dimensiune europeana
Obiectivul proiectului: Sprijina dezvoltarea competentelor de baza si transversale (precum antreprenoriatul, activitatile independente) intr-o maniera inovatoare: metoda inovatoare a proiectului se bazeaza pe abordarea sa...
Print House Services
Oferim o gamă foarte largă de produse și servicii pentru clienții noștri: de la imprimare pe hârtie, textile, lemn, metal, plastic, ceramică și sticlă cu...
Project SEED
SEED is the concrete and REAL answer to specific capacity needs of social enterprises on how to enhance their competitiveness and support their growth potential,...
Ce presupune îndeplinirea planurilor profesionale?
De îndată ce ti-ai propus obiective, termene limită, activități interesante în plan profesional, mai mult ca sigur că o să ai nevoie de improvizație în...
Cum sa-ti scrii CV-ul
Cum să-ți scrii CV-ul? Indiferent de locul de muncă pe care îl ai, dacă lucrezi sau nu, dacă ești mulțumit de evoluția ta profesională sau...
Tinerii și piața muncii. Ce bariere întâlnim?
O problemă fundamentală cu care se confruntă majoritatea tinerilor în ziua de azi este intrarea pe piața muncii. Vorbim de bariere instituționale, adică legi, reglementări care...
Your Success Story – Diana
18.02.2016 HRS Outsourcing
First Working Days At The New Job? What Is To Be Done?
You have been recently hired so you will get new colleagues, responsibilities, rout, objectives, activities. You are a little bit nervous or insecure about what...
Cum imi descriu obiectivul in CV?
Ce obiectiv să scriu în CV? Cum să-l structurez? La ce să mă refer? Ce-l atrage pe angajator? Oare e bine cum am scris? Ți-ai...
CV-ul si Interviul Tau? Cateva Sugestii
CV-ul și Interviul Tău? Câteva Sugestii 1. Informează-te despre compania la care vei susține interviul de angajare. Ai astfel ocazia să discuți despre acest subiect în cadrul...
Cum sa incepi cu dreptul 2016
Chiar dacă vacanța s-a terminat și nu ești pregătit în totalitate să începi serviciul, mai ales că ești însoțit în drumul către muncă și de...
Oana’s Success Story
Antreprenoriat social pentru comunitati locale
Fundația Centrul de Analiză și Dezvoltare Instituțională Eleutheria - CADI în parteneriat cu HR Specialists şi SOS Insertion et Alternatives are deosebita plăcere de a anunța că în...
Your Success Story – Aura
17 november, 2015
Ce greseli fac la interviu?
Ce greseli fac la interviu? Mihai Silviu Botezatu, HRS Outsourcing Angajatorul este de vină că nu a înțeles ce am spus? Sunt eu vinovat...
Bursa Locurilor de Munca – Ploiesti, 30 octombrie
BURSA LOCURILOR DE MUNCA, Ploiesti, 30 octombrie, Hotel Central. Link Comunicat: BURSA LOCURILOR DE MUNCA- COMUNICAT HR Specialists va asteapta Vineri, 30 octombrie,...
PROCEDURA DE ACORDARE A PREMIILOR participantilor la programul de formare profesionala COMPETENTE ANTREPRENORIALE
HR Specialists anunta absolventii cursurilor de competente antreprenoriale din cadrul proiectului PARTENERIAT PENTRU OCUPARE in regiunile București-Ilfov, Sud-Vest și Sud-Muntenia, ID 129642, ca a fost...
Raise Your Chance of Being Hired: Organize your resources
Every time you enter a competition, a race, and so on, you have to prepare, to train yourself in order to have a hope of...
Comunicat de Presa – Conferinta regionala organizata in cadrul proiectului “Motivare pentru Ocupare”
Link: Com presa conferinta 140197 22.09.2015 COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Conferința regională organizată în cadrul proiectului ”Motivare pentru ocupare” BUCURESTI, 22 septembrie 2015 –...
De vorba cu Stéphane Meuret, Managing Director Human Respect Solutions
Interviul il puteti accesa in cadrul link-ului de mai jos: Link: De vorba cu Stéphane Meuret
Professionally confused? Where Am I Going?
Professionally confused? Where Am I Going? Has it ever happened to you to miss the train and thus being very hard for you to reorganize...
How do I choose my profession?
The right college? The best workplace? The domain where I can get a qualification for? It is advisable to find the answers for these questions...
Home Services by HRS
Proximity professional services Your free time is so valuable and we have the solutions to solve any problem related to your home. Check our B2C...
How To Properly Attend a Job Fair?
A Job Fair is organized several times per year. In Bucharest, Romania, for instance, such events take place seven or eight times a year. This...
Searching for work. How should I Search?
Internet? Checked! Friends, family members, job sites, Employment Agencies? Also checked… What else can I do to find a job? Options: 1. Events that help...
Very Timorous? Awesome Jobs For You!
Does it seem hard when you are trying to ask a colleague for help when you are uncertain about a task? Are you having a...
How Do I Describe My Career Objective In My Resume?
What objective should I write in my resume? How should I structure it? The employer is interest in which part of my resume? Have you...
Generation Z? 5 Suitable Jobs
If you were born during the late 90’s , namely the early 2000, you belong to Generation Z (teenagers with ages between 15-18 years). Maybe...
Are you a talkative person? 6 professions you should practice
Maybe you are very communicative with your friends, you discuss different subjects from different domains, you often describe to your listener details of certain activities...
What do you ask at a job interview?
Have you been interviewed by a large number of potential employers and have you thought of asking them certain questions or of making clear different...
How a candidate may be perceived as intelligent
An intelligent candidate expresses his/her application through a short description (2-3 sentances) and a solid argument. Ex: My name is Marian Ionescu. I am 20...
Entrepreneur in Social Economy. Generating positive social change.
Social problems can take different forms but, in any of these forms, they directly affect the lives of people in a community and their...
HRS Outsourcing – Certified for success
HRS is a market leading provider of outsourcing, project counselling and human resources solutions at European standards. We take opportunities, dare impediments and transform them...
HRS@Job Fair in Bucharest
On 05 of March 2015, HRS Outsourcing attended the Job Fair organized at IBIS Hotel, Bucharest (North Station), by Motivation Romania Foundation. The Job Fair...
Are you distracted at work? Try 7 ways that can help you daily.
There are certain times when you cannot work at the office, outdoors or at home no matter how hard you try. Distracting situations appear, which...
Partnership Proposal
HRS is expanding its network of specialized partners, in the context of a continuous and sustained development. Are you an Authorized Training Provider delivering high...
How do you treat the “Yesterday” type emergencies
What is an emergency for you? A situation that cannot be postponed? That must be dealt with as soon as possible once one becomes aware...
Discomfort at Work And Ways To Overcome it (7DOT Vault)
Discomfort sometimes accompanies us in certain situations of our life. It can even be understood as a complicated lesson that we try to understand just...
Why should we be happy when we encounter obstacles?
Solving problems in our lives has a well-defined purpose, namely to add to our knowledge, abilities or (why not?) consolidating our social principles or knowledge...
How to prepare for a job interview
Get as much information about the company to which you apply (as a rule of thumb, the candidates answering the question “What do you know...
Raise your chances of being hired: Organize your resources
Every time you enter a competition, a race, and so on, you have to prepare, to train yourself in order to have a hope of...
Do you know how to present your ideas?
Participation in employment interviews requires a certain preparation, structure and procedure. Thus, there are a few basic things that you can do even before you...
Positive Thinking on the Path to Identifying the Desired Job
It sometimes happens that when we are looking for a job we have certain fears regarding our goal: Will I do well in the interview?...
Obligations of the recruiter toward applicants
There are countless articles about how an applicant must respect a certain set of rules before an employment interview, during the interview, and after its...
I’m confused after graduation. Which field of activity should I peruse?
The common question how do you do is, exaggerating a little, encountered as often as the question you ask yourself, namely what am I going...
Prepare today for tomorrow’s career
Training and Specialization for Women in the South Muntenia Region! HRS, together with their partners Association for Feminine Entrepreneurial Development (ADAF), The National Counsel for...
The First Job – A Priceless Investment?
You invest to obtain a job that you want or to develop an idea in which you believe. Nothing simpler. But what does the first...
Want a second job? Find out how to use part of your free time
Do you think that you could earn a supplementary income through activities connected to work? If you are already thinking along these lines, it means...
Why Do You Miss Opportunities? How Can You Capitalize on Them?
You didn’t have a good day. At the end of it, you say to yourself, “Why didn’t it go how I wanted? I’m stuck, I...
How Can You Get Paid for What You Love to Do?
If you want to be efficient in what you do, you have to love what you do. It may seem to be a cliché, but...
What does fulfilling professional plans involve?
Once you’ve set your goals, deadlines, and interesting activities in your professional plan, you will definitely need to improvise in their fulfillment. You shouldn’t be...
How to Set a Goal
You have an idea and immediately write it down. Great, but the goal is missing. When you truly try to establish one or more goals,...
Constructively Utilizing Emotions
Often, when your are put in a situation for which you’re not prepared, you tend to let yourself get overwhelmed by your emotions. You become...
Applicants and Employers? The labor market needs you.
HRS and 7 Days of Trust invites you Monday, 27 January 2014, starting at 6:00 p.m., to the book launch of “Applicants and Employers? The...
What it means to have good backups in life
How often have you been told that your proposal isn’t good enough or that it doesn’t fit the context? Every time you finish a project...
Quality Translations vs. Cheap Translations!
In Romania, today you can find on the market a large number of options when it comes to providers of translation services. There are figures...
Always close to people
I don’t believe that there is further cause to tell you who we are. We are a young team that desires to evolve and to...
Closer to people through forms of social economy
Objectives The main objective of the project is to improve and develop the organization, functioning and promotion of efficient and specific structures of social economy for...
HRS – an active participant at Franco Jobs
From 8 to 9 September 2011, HR Specialists participated at an event organized by Franco Jobs—the first edition of a job fair dedicated to people...
Job Fair eJobs EXPO
The participation of HRS in the job fair eJobs EXPO represented for most of the candidates job opportunities in the following fields: Engineering and Training...
Access for All Association and the Bridges to Work Project
The Access for All Association successfully finalized their participation in the international project Bridges to Work, through which 25 unemployed young people from countries such...
HRS Prize –Social and Economic Innovator in the Black Sea Basin—Danube Region
Between 23 and 24 May the third edition of the Danube-Black Sea Innovation Forum took place, the event being organized by The International Honorary Chair...
Junior Commercial, 17th Edition
On Friday, 11 April 2014 at 1 p.m., the 17th edition of the Junior Commercial competition took place at the French Lectorate at the Academy...
Access for All at America House
The Access for All Association, from 5-12 April 2012, will be present in the America House building (Blvd. Nicolae Titulescu – in the area of...
AJOFM partnership
Proposing to come in response of those who need support in regards to the identification, accessing, and keeping a job, HRS, in partnership with Service...
Access for All at the Metropolis Center
The Access for All Association through the Soravia Group participated for the second consecutive year at the Metropolis Center to conduct information and fund-gathering campaigns...
Access for All Association and Baumax. Support for Disadvantaged People
For the promotion of integration in the labor market of disadvantaged people, the Access for All Association is present, through the support offered by the...
Job Fair “Integrare pe Piata Muncii”
HRS participated on 2 April 2013, starting at 11:00 (Hotel Minerva, Str. Gheorge Manu, Sector 1, Bucharest) at the job fair organized by the Colfasa...
The Access for All Association Participated at the National Fair of Social Economy
The Access for All Association participated from 12 to 14 October at the 2nd edition of the National Fair of Social Economy, in Piaţa George...
Social Economy Fair – A True Success
Between 25-28 April 2013 at the Caro-Golf Complex in Bucharest took place the social economy fair organized by HR Specialists in partnership with the RENINCO...
Job Fair for People with Disabilities
Being one of the company’s constant activities, Human Respect Solutions, in the month of winter holidays, participated at the job fair for people with disabilities...
HRS First Place at the 19th Edition of the National Ranking of Firms
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) awarded Human Respect Solutions first place for their activity in the field of Human Resource Services....
HRS received the ISO 9001 Certificate
HRS received the ISO 9001 certificate for Quality Management in “Services in the Furnishing and Management of the Workforce”. HR Specialists has thus been recognized...
Access for All, Saint Nicholas for Miniclub Nane!
Friday, 06 December 2013, for the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day, the Access for All association, supported by the group HRS, together with Inmedio, gave...
HRS at Tremplin Enterprises
From November 24–27, HRS was present at Tremplin Enterprises hosted by the French senate along with ESSEC Business School. The event was organized in relation...
Access for All and Casiopeea
The association Access for All supported the Casiopeea initiative on 28 September 2013 – the Casiopeea Race is dedicated to improve the lives of women...
Access for All Association at Street Delivery
The Access for All Association participated Saturday, 17 June, in Street Delivery, an event of urbanism, architecture, and art, which took place in Bucharest on...
Job Fair “Bursa Locurilor de Munca” — Iulia Hasdeu National College
From 6-8 November 2012, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, at National College Iulia Haşdeu (Blvd. Ferdinand I nr. 91, sector 2, Bucharest) there will...
HRS – member of CEFEC!
HRS Proudly Announces That It Has Become a Member of the Most Important Network in Social Economy: CEFEC! Through its status as a member of CEFEC,...
Anunt finalizare proiect Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES
HRS impreuna cu partenerii: PowerNet Consulting SRL si Asociation Hispano Rumana Salva a incheiat azi proiectul Antreprenor Diaspora RO_ES, ID 107062, cofinantat prin Programul Operational...
“Access for All on an Inclusive Labor Market” Project
HRS, partnered with NGO Apel Service, won the contest for the project of un-reimbursable European funds! The project “Access for All on an Inclusive Labor...