How a candidate may be perceived as intelligent

An intelligent candidate expresses his/her application through a short description (2-3 sentances) and a solid argument.
Ex: My name is Marian Ionescu. I am 20 years old, live in Braşov, and am sure that a position here is perfect for my debut in professional life because I have the energy and motivation to work—qualities that also help me at University to obtain positive results.
Attached you will find my application for the position of import-export operator (high level of English fluency).
I wish to apply because at University I often write essays in English which I later present in my courses or in seminars. I enjoy writing, speaking, and reading in English and in Romanian.
Could you please tell me what is the next step regarding my application that I have just submitted?
Never say never!
Even if the applicant is called by the interviewer and is presented a position that does not correspond with his or her expectations, he or she should not respond with “I’m not interested”, but should communicate in the following manner (for example):
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the position/job in the accounting department, and although I have differing professional goals, I would ask that you keep me informed of any new opportunities for work in the following fields: Commercial, Agricultural, or Communication.
Extra info: A response of the type previously indicated is especially recommended for applicants with at least 3–4 years of experience.
For candidates who are just starting out in their careers, there is no need to rush, a job that doesn’t seem to correspond with your professional goals is not the end of the world. Further, something that at first seems a discomfort may turn out to be a great opportunity for social-professional training and development. In conclusion? Don’t rush to refuse any offer which at first glance you don’t want.
In any case, no matter the level of experience, not just for your own safety but also to be better informed about the respective company, before the interview, the applicant should verify, through the internet or through other sources (AJOFM, ITM, the Employment Ministry, etc.) the existence of the company and information about it (field of activity, eventual number of employees, national and international affiliation, short-term and long-term objectives, etc.).
If an applicant was not accepted after the interview, he/she should not be discouraged. He/she should let the interviewer know (through telephone and, later, as a reminder, through email) that he/she is interested in other opportunities with the company and, also, he/she should ask the interviewer for recommendations for other companies.
An intelligent applicant updates the information on his/her CV even if he/she is currently employed. There are too many applicants who work 3–4 years for a company and do not specify this on LinkedIn, in their CV, in their signature, etc.
An intelligent applicant always has an email signature, whether it’s an account with Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.Ex:Marian Ionescu
[link to LinkedIn profile]
An intelligent candidate arrives 10–15 minutes early to an interview but does not immediately enter into the company office; instead, he/she continues to walk around until 5 minutes before the etablished time for the interview. The applicant then enters the building and presents him/herself. By doing so, the interviewer has time to prepare the interview room (in case it was not already prepared simply because the interviewer had many interviews to perform, or was very busy, or is inexperienced).
An intelligent candidate sends the interviewer an email thanking them that same day or the next day after the interview.
Good day,
My name is Marin Ionescu. Yesterday, 5 November 2013, I participated in an employment interview with Super Employer company, for the position of logistics assistant.
Thank you for your time. It was nice to meet you and I hope to receive the results of the interview as soon as possible!
Marian Ionescu
[LinkedIn profile]
Author: Mihai Silviu Botezatu/Manager People Solutions HRS