Access for All
Access for All on an inclusive labour market
The project is co-financed from the resources of the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Development of Human Resources 2007-2013, “Invest in People”, priority axis 6, Key area of intervention 6.2 – Improving access and participation of vulnerable groups in the labour market”. The project implementation period is: 1 November, 2010 – 31 October, 2013.
The overall project objective is to improve and develop a framework of knowledge, organization and running employment processes for vulnerable people and also lead an active promotion of optimal measures foreseen for them during their social integration. The project is dedicated to the integration of people that pertain to vulnerable groups: young persons, people with disabilities, women, unemployed persons etc.
The project “Access for All, on an Inclusive Labour Market” is implemented by HR Specialists in association with APEL Service Association.
The Apel Association was founded in 2006 to become a service specialized in professional integration of persons that are in difficulty.
The programs provided by the association are concentrated in the area of services for persons that find themselves in marginalized situations and social exclusion.
- 88 people belonging to vulnerable groups participated to the programs of training and qualification
- 511 people received professional guidance/counseling and mediation
- 262 women participating in project’s activities
- 53 people with disabilities participating in project’s activities
- 28 Roma people participating in project’s activities
- 88 new jobs created
- 1 Guide for reasonable configuration and adjustment of the workplace for people with different types of disability
- A complete study covering for each county regarding the employment situation of disadvantaged persons
- 1 Pact for increased employment level.

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