Prepare today for tomorrow’s career!
Prepare today for tomorrow’s career! Training and specialization for women located in South Muntenia region!
Invest in people! European Social Fund Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. Priority 6: “Promoting social inclusion” Key area of intervention 6.3: Promoting equal opportunities on the labor market Project Title: “Prepare today for tomorrow’s careers! Training and specialization for women located in South Muntenia.” Contract HRD: HRD / 147 / 6.3 / G / 129467 SMIS Code: 49213
- The overall objective of the project is represented by increase of access to employment opportunities for women located in the South Region of Romania, through their participation in programs of qualification, specialization, training and initiation.
- Therefore, will be organiszed the following training sessions: commercial worker, hotel worker, babysitter, textiles assembler, entrepreneurship, public procurement, IT&C.
For further details, please access the following documents:

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