Action changes lives!

An inclusive society is a healthy environment where the potential of its members, especially those belonging to disadvantaged groups, is valorized, properly used and encouraged, by facilitating the access to all available resources, rights and services. HRS strategies focus on helping and counselling persons to become independent individuals, not dependent by others, through financial support and proactive involvement. The profit is continuously reinvested in social field, financing EU projects and the activity of “Access for All” NGO. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Employment EU Projects

5 years of experience at national and international level, HRS maintained one of the leading positions among Romanian specialized companies that manage and implement successful Human Resources projects co-financed by European Social Funds (HRDP).

Examples of projects we finalized as partner or beneficiary:


Social Entrepreneurship for Local Communities


Invest in people!

European Social Fund
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013.
Priority 6: “Promoting social inclusion”
Key area of intervention 6.1: Development of Social Economy
Project Title: “Social Entrepreneurship for Local Communities”
Contract HRD: POSDRU/6/6.1/148396

Project location: South Muntenia, Center, North – West, South – East, Bucharest – Ilfov

Duration: 12 months (January 2015 – December 2015)

shutterstock_77875951General Objectives:

The development of social economy in Bucharest – Ilfov, South – Muntenia, North – West, Center  regions as an opportunity to create innovative and flexible jobs in the social economy sector. As part of this project, will be establish 10 Structures of Social Economy, 8 in rural areas: Clothing Workshop (, Mures County), Dentistry Clinic (Afumati Ilfov County), Short Movies Studio (Barcanesti, Ialomita County); Educational Center (Drajna de Jos, Prahova County); Beauty Salon (Balotesti, Ilfov County); Digital Printing (Balotesti, Ilfov County); Products Branding Workshop  (Cumpana, Constanta County) and 2 in urban areas: Children’s Educational Center (Bucharest); Dentistry Clinic (Fierbinti, Ialomita County).

Specific Objectives:

  1. Promoting the social economy  employment opportunities that exist in the above mentioned regions covered by the project, including also a total of 20 specialists involved in Social Economy in the regions concerned.
  2. Ensure the operative activity of the newly formed 10 Structures of Social Economy, including also the informative and training sessions of 10 managers activating in Social Economy Structures (already certified by the time of project).
  3. Providing employment in a flexible environment which is also adapted to the specific needs of the minimum of 69 people, of which minimum. 49 belong to vulnerable groups in Social Economy Structures;
  4. Capitalize the lessons learned on employment matters in Social Economy activities in the regions targeted by the project.

 Target groups:

The current project targets a total of 79 persons belonging to vulnerable groups, Roma ethnic, disabled persons, victims of violence, women at risk, unic-parental families or families with more than 2 children, beneficiaries  of minimum guaranteed income, managers of Social Economy Structures and specialists activating in Social Economy environment.

Targeted results:

  • Communities are to be informed about current opportunities, at local level, in Social Economy domain
  • Provide integrated services for sustaining employment and development off small businesses at local level
  • Setting 10 Structures of Social Economy
  • Development of 10 Structures of Social Economy
  • Development of practical instruments needed for a successful development of businesses and enhanced employment opportunities in Social Economy
  • Advertising and information campaigns  regarding project’s results.

Structures of Social Economy

  1. Clothing Workshop for Women, Cristian, Brasov County (6 persons)
  2. Educational Center for Children, Bucharest (7 persons)
  3. Short Movies Studio, Barcanesti, ialomita County (6 persons)
  4. Dentistry Clinic, Fierbinti, Ialomita County (7 persons)
  5. Dentistry Clinic, Afumati, Ilfov County (7 persons)
  6. Emotional and Informal Educational Center – “Close to children” / “Aproape de Copii”, Drajna de Jos, Prahova County (7 persons)
  7. Professional Counseling Center “Work = Future” / “Munca = Viitor”, Cauas, Satu Mare County (7 persons)
  8. Beauty Salon, Balotesti, Ilfov County (10 persons)
  9. Digital Printing Workshop, Balotesti, Ilfov County (5 persons)
  10. Printing House, Cumpana, Constanta County (5 persons)


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Acquisition notices:



We consider the public-private partnerships an effective way to improve society, therefore we constantly promote the economic model of social economy and by our expertise we are able to assist any company that would like to benefit of EU funds. Depending on the type of project, we can offer our consultancy support or become your full partner. Contact us and we will offer you the best solutions!

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