eu projects

EU & Public Funding

Simplify project management with professional support

Rely on us for professional consultancy at the highest standards with European projects, community development projects, startups, expanding to new markets and any project you might want to fulfill. Our expertise covers the entire program, from initial proposal and funding to legal support, project management and reporting. You dream it, we make it happen!

Project Management

style=”text-align: justify;”>Our aim is to lead positive social change by empowering companies, governments and communities reach their full potential with best in class integrated business solutions. With over 15 years of experience at national and international level, HRS achieved and maintained one of the leading positions among Romanian specialized companies that manage and implement successful Human Resources projects co-financed by European Social Funds (HRDP).

HRS portfolio includes, at this time, more than 30 European Projects implemented as Applicant & Partner which generated a positive social impact with consistent results in Romania.

Development of human capital and increased competitiveness, by linking education and lifelong learning with the labor market and ensuring increased opportunities for future participation on a modern, flexible and inclusive labor market are the main objectives of our initiatives.

  • Promoting quality initial and continuous education and training, including higher education and research;
  • Promoting entrepreneurial culture and improving quality and productivity at work;
  • Facilitating the young people and long term unemployed insertion in the labor market;
  • Developing a modern, flexible, inclusive labor market;
  • Promoting (re)insertion in the  labor market  of inactive people, including in rural areas
  • Improving public employment services;
  • Facilitating access to education and to the labor market of the vulnerable groups.


Areas of expertise:

  • Innovation – Research and Development
  • Human Resources Development
  • Competitiveness
  • Rural and Agricultural Development
  • IT&C Development
  • Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection


Part of the projects we finalized as a consultant:

  • Prepare today for tomorrow’s career! (Project value of 980.195, 97 lei)
  • Access for All on an inclusive labour market (Project value of 6.278.240 lei)
  • Closer to people through forms of social economy (Project value of 5.675.050 lei)
  • Postdoctoral programmes at the front end of excellence research in the Technologies of Information Society and the development of innovative products and processes
  • “Psychological testing and professional counselling”, Project title: “Employment Initiatives in Rural Areas” Project co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Invest in people!


Closer to people through forms of social economy

The “Closer to people, through forms of social economy project was co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Invest in people, Priority Axis 6 Promoting social inclusion, Major Field of Intervention 6.1 The development of social economy, implemented between 1 June 2010 and 13 May 2013.

The projshutterstock_76080733ect aimed to improve and develop the organizational and operational framework, as well as the framework for the active promotion of efficient structures, specific to social economy, for people with disabilities, in order to facilitate their occupation and employment, as main vectors in the increase of the degree of social inclusion.

The project was implemented in partnership with the RENINCO Association in the Bucharest-Ilfov and South-Oltenia regions, in the counties of Dambovita, Ialomita, Ilfov, Calarasi, Prahova, Giurgiu, Arges, Teleorman;

A specific goal of the project was to provide support services to at least 100 people with disabilities in order for them to begin entrepreneurship activities, by focusing on the development of their skills and abilities and on the identification of concrete possibilities of starting their own business and/or finding employment.

Thus, 120 people with disabilities have been psychologically and vocationally assessed and have received counselling for starting their own business/assisted employment, each having his/her individual case file.


  • 15 social economy structures were developed
  • 151 people received professional guidance and counseling regarding social economy
  • 87 participants attended trainings about Social Economy principles
  • 118 people with disabilities took part to the project activities
  • 15 people with disabilities were employed
  • One study report developed over the sheltered workshop
  • 1 dedicatedGuide for disabled persons regarding  the first steps in starting a own business
  • 1 network of authorized protected units established
  • 1 Integrated Resource Center
  • 1 NGO founded – “Access for All” which will sustain project activities after its completion


We consider the public-private partnerships an effective way to improve society, therefore we constantly promote the economic model of social economy and by our expertise we are able to assist any company that would like to benefit of EU funds. Depending on the type of project, we can offer our consultancy support or become your full partner. Contact us and we will offer you the best solutions!

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